Staying true to our core of Experiential Learning, we help connect employees, customers, and businesses.


HR Muscle is a market leader in Team Building and Employee Engagement programs.


With relevant experience, knowledge, and dedication, we help assure a healthy work-culture and positive team dynamics.

Appreciation Product Development Diversity Inclusion Work Life Balance Health & Wellness Employee Onboarding Culture & Values


We all live in an era of greater workforce mobility and the shortage of skilled workers. Having said that, retention, employee engagement, and work culture are the top issues faced by business leaders. Don’t you agree to it that these issues are not simply an HR problem?

Well, HR Muscle understands your concerns and walks an extra mile to contribute to the success of your employees and your organization. HR Muscle offers scientifically designed and innovative workshops, training, and activities to sustain employee enthusiasm and unlock workforce potential.

As said rightly, make the dream work, by some teamwork! Well, HR Muscle strongly believes that teamwork and team building are essential in the corporate world. This helps ensure that the company culture is healthy and the output achieved by individually and as a team is high.

HR Muscle incorporates the principles of Experiential Learning and assists your organization in forming a strong team. With different indoor and outdoor activities, and outbound training sessions, we penetrate the values of working in a cohesive team.

Collaboration Innovation & Creativity Stress Management Customer Centricity Problem Solving Conflict Resolution Time Management Team Bonding Company Culture & Values Communication Leadership Development & Connect Health & Wellness

Our Clients



4 years ago

Are you tired of getting webinar invites in this pandemic?
Are webinars making you webबीमार?

Do you want to create greater employee engagement without heavy monologues but rather with See more

5 years ago
Team Retreats​ – HR Muscle

Celebrate March Madness!

Do you remember the famous dialog from the movie “Sholey”?
“Holi kab hai?, kab hai Holi?”(Hoil is when? When is Hoil?).

Well, March 9th is the Holi and March 8th is Women’s See more

5 years ago
CRIF Team Outbound

The team that cooks together stays together or a team that rocks together stays together!

If each company is unique, so is their culture and team interactions. So how can one have a cookie cutter See more

The team that cooks together stays together or a team that rocks together stays together!

If each company is unique, so is their culture and team interactions. So how can one have a cookie cutter See more

5 years ago
Gallery – HR Muscle

Have you checked our gallery lately? Feel free to check out photo and video gallery sections at : https://www.hrmuscle.com/gallery

#hrmuscleway #teambuilding #employeeengagement

Photo Gallery | Video Gallery TOX Employee Engagement-3 TOX Employee Engagement-2 TOX Employee Engagement-1 ECOLAB – Collaboration Team Building For TCS Atlas Copco – GECIA Employee Engagement for See more

5 years ago
TOX Employee Engagement-3

Session 3, The corporate culture consists of the normal values and unwritten rules of conduct of an organisation as well as management styles, priorities, beliefs and inters personal behavior that See more

Session 3, The corporate culture consists of the normal values and unwritten rules of conduct of an organisation as well as management styles, priorities, beliefs and inters personal behavior that See more